Design Exercises

Below are a few fundamental design exercises. I was pushed to consider typographical form during undergrad, and how it can be used to lead the eye.

You can see the Lance Wyman influence.

You can see the Lance Wyman influence.

Animal Icon

This project tasked students with creating a simplified icon of any animal we wanted. Naturally, I chose the proboscis monkey. Look at that nose!

The tittle of the “i” creates a focal point dead center.

The tittle of the “i” creates a focal point dead center.

Expressive Word: Corridor

Students were given a random list of three words, understanding that the shapes of their individual letters would be used to illustrate the essence of the word. Here, the word “corridor” is arranged to give an illusion of depth, as if one was walking straight down a hallway.

The text was provided for the project, but it was my job to decide which parts to emphasize.

The text was provided for the project, but it was my job to decide which parts to emphasize.

Grid Variation

One aspect of design that has been pounded into my head from the beginning has been the importance of establishing a grid. The grid aids designers when they need to focus on typographical hierarchy.