MSU Comics Forum

Did you know that Michigan State University has the largest public collection of comic books in the world? Google it. It’s real. In relation to its astronomically large library of domestic and international comics, the university hosts an event each year called (you guessed it) the MSU Comics Forum. The forum spans several weeks, leading up to keynote speeches from esteemed comics creators and scholars alike. I had the privilege to be a social media intern for their 2019 event. I redesigned some Twitter media for them, but they never got used.

The colorful figures represent the multicultural aspect of the forum.

The colorful figures represent the multicultural aspect of the forum.

Twitter Banner

The MSU Comics Forum is marketed as a place to study, create, and exchange comics. Since MSU is the home of the Spartans, I blended an ancient agora aesthetic with social comics-related activities: people reading comics, making comics, and shopping for comics.

These sketches were useful when pitching my idea to my superiors.

These sketches were useful when pitching my idea to my superiors.

Media Sketches

Small thumbnails and mockups were produced to share with my advisors. I wanted to be sure we were all on the right track before committing to the idea fully.

Sparty goes way back to his visual roots, over 2500 years back!

Sparty goes way back to his visual roots, over 2500 years back!

Twitter Icon

Greek and Spartan pottery art inspired all design choices for this project. Unfortunately, the forum wanted to reuse and reconfigure official poster art for their online presence, so neither of these got to see the light of day. Still worth a follow on Twitter, though! Check them out!